
Posts Tagged ‘positive’

There are many people that probably inspire you, whether through books, TV or radio. One person in particular, Rich German, caught my attention. He wrote a book titled Living the Law of Attraction- Real stories of people manifesting health, wealth, and happiness. I am a firm believer in the law of attraction and am always supportive of people with the same beliefs. Rich sent me a copy of his book to look over before our interview and the information struck me as something I wanted to discuss in today’s tip. Rich describes six simple steps you need to take in order to actualize the principals of the law of attraction. The third step is the one that caught my eye- take inspired action. Many people watched the movie The Secret and misunderstood the real message. Wishing that all of a sudden you had a million dollars in the bank or a fantastic new career, and then sitting at home waiting for it to show up at your door is not the way to go. The missing element is action. You need to feel good, express gratitude and then put it into inspired action. Inspired action will quickly bring your intentions into your reality. Here are some things to think about this week:

1. Exercise

Not only are you going to benefit physically from bringing exercise into your life, but it creates motion. Exercise gets the energy flowing in your body. When we create intentions or affirmations, you need the energy or life force behind them. Whatever you can fit into your day, get moving. Create a morning or evening ritual to get the blood flowing.

2. State it out loud

When you want to put the action into attraction share with the world what your intentions are. When you share your hopes and dreams, it speaks to the universe. It makes it more real and starts building the momentum to creating it. Talk with your friends. Talk with your family and colleagues. This also creates accountability to start working for whatever it is you want.

3. Release the “how”

It is not your job to figure out “how” your intentions are going to manifest themselves. When you are clear on your intentions, you have joy in your life, and are in action mode, the rest will happen when the time is right. Stop trying to force something to happen how you want it to happen. Sometimes opening yourself up and allowing the universe to work its magic is exactly what you need to do.

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Summer is crazy busy. Between work, kids, activities, sports, camps and play dates, there is very little down time. I have learned over the years, however, that when I do not commit chunks of time just for me, I am more irritable and less giving. This time has become a necessity, not a luxury. I see frazzled people walking around every day. They are constantly on the go and rarely take time to decompress and rejuvenate. Like a car that you regularly need to maintain and fill up the gas tank, if you let it go and let it drive on empty fumes, it isn’t going to go very far. As soon as the gas level gets to a quarter tank, you fill it up and it is good to go. Why not apply the same tactic to your body? As soon as your energy level drops or you are feeling burned out, you take time to fill up your tank. You do something nurturing. You ask for help or delegate. You take a rest. Do something fun. You can fill up your emotional gas tank, your physical gas tank, your spiritual gas tank, or all of the above. Your mind and body are there to support you in living your best life. It is your job however to nurture your body and mind and respect everything they do. Take survey of how you are feeling right at this moment. Are you drained? Are you stressed? Are you grumpy and agitated? These may be the signals that it is time to decompress and fill your tank. Take some time this week to make time for yourself.
1. Make a wish list
What would you like to do more of? What activities fill up your tank? Jot down whatever comes to mind. Take more walks. Listen to music. Meet friends for coffee. Purchase fresh flowers. Read a good novel. Keep this list handy so that you can grab ideas when you are feeling depleted.
2. Delegate or outsource
In order to make more time for yourself, you need to be willing to delegate tasks and outsource certain activities. You cannot expect to do everything and do it well. Time is a constant that won’t change, so you need to be willing to make changes and free up some time for what really matters. Ask your kids to be more involved around the house. Ask a spouse or friend to help. Be willing to let go a little bit of control.
3. Avoid procrastination
Often times procrastination leads to pent up energy and stress. Just the act of avoiding something creates mental clutter. If you are committed to making more time for yourself you need to tackle procrastination head on. Pick a couple tasks you are avoiding and break it up into smaller chunks. By achieving these tasks you are ultimately freeing up some time for more joy.

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It may seem as though things are improving, and for some they may be, but many people are still struggling with job loss and financial insecurity. This can be frightening and unsettling. Life can throw you curve balls when you least expect it, but there are always ways you can combat these hurdles. I remember working with a client who lost her position with a company she had been with for over ten years. She went through the normal state of emotions, from fear to freak out mode to peace of mind. She had always dreamed of owning her own company and she realized this was the opportunity she had been waiting for. As scary as it was, we worked together on creating a plan that she felt comfortable with and she slowly moved forward. She realized the world was not going to crumble around her and she tapped into an inner confidence. By staying positive and focusing on her strengths and attributes, she was able to transition into her dream career. I know from my own personal experience that my mind can create a mountain out of a molehill when I am feeling insecure and unsure of things. I have realized however, that it does not change anything other than make me feel worse. If I don’t have control over some outside factors, at least I have total control over my mind and my response to things. This week if you are feeling anxious about some things going on in your own life, try taking a step back and applying some of the tips I am going to give you. Keep in mind that if you want a quick fix to feeling down and anxious, the key is doing good for others. The simple act of spreading positive karma makes you feel better and takes the focus off of what is going on in your life.

1. Don’t catastrophize
     After a negative situation happens in your life, it is very easy to assume the absolute worst. “I am never going to fall in love again” “I will be living on the streets if I don’t find a job” or “I am going to deplete my savings and be broke.” It is easy to make problems much bigger than they really are. Recognize this little voice in your head and then  come up with more likely scenarios. This will lessen your anxiety.
2. Focus on gratitude
     The have been countless studies on the positive benefits of keeping a gratitude journal. A journal will make you feel more optimistic. Instead of solely focusing on the negative situation, you are focusing your energy on the blessings in your life. This optimism will lead to hope which will lead to positive change. Keep a nightly journal and get to work. I guarantee you will feel better and more in control of your situation.
3. Make a plan
     The key to resiliency is to spend less energy on things you can’t control and more energy on being proactive. Focusing on the problem will only keep you stuck. Coming up with solutions will move you forward. Write down a list of ideas to help you focus on the future-things you do have control over. This step will boost your confidence and help you feel more empowered over your situation. Good luck!

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