
Archive for the ‘communication’ Category

There are many people that probably inspire you, whether through books, TV or radio. One person in particular, Rich German, caught my attention. He wrote a book titled Living the Law of Attraction- Real stories of people manifesting health, wealth, and happiness. I am a firm believer in the law of attraction and am always supportive of people with the same beliefs. Rich sent me a copy of his book to look over before our interview and the information struck me as something I wanted to discuss in today’s tip. Rich describes six simple steps you need to take in order to actualize the principals of the law of attraction. The third step is the one that caught my eye- take inspired action. Many people watched the movie The Secret and misunderstood the real message. Wishing that all of a sudden you had a million dollars in the bank or a fantastic new career, and then sitting at home waiting for it to show up at your door is not the way to go. The missing element is action. You need to feel good, express gratitude and then put it into inspired action. Inspired action will quickly bring your intentions into your reality. Here are some things to think about this week:

1. Exercise

Not only are you going to benefit physically from bringing exercise into your life, but it creates motion. Exercise gets the energy flowing in your body. When we create intentions or affirmations, you need the energy or life force behind them. Whatever you can fit into your day, get moving. Create a morning or evening ritual to get the blood flowing.

2. State it out loud

When you want to put the action into attraction share with the world what your intentions are. When you share your hopes and dreams, it speaks to the universe. It makes it more real and starts building the momentum to creating it. Talk with your friends. Talk with your family and colleagues. This also creates accountability to start working for whatever it is you want.

3. Release the “how”

It is not your job to figure out “how” your intentions are going to manifest themselves. When you are clear on your intentions, you have joy in your life, and are in action mode, the rest will happen when the time is right. Stop trying to force something to happen how you want it to happen. Sometimes opening yourself up and allowing the universe to work its magic is exactly what you need to do.

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How many times in your past can you recall getting upset with someone, thus creating an argument and then leaving with nothing resolved? It is natural to want to express your thoughts and concerns when you feel wronged. However, it is less natural to genuinely listen to the others point of view. Practicing healthy communication and listening skills is vital in all relationships. It takes practice to stop and listen when all you want is to get your point across. Everyone wants to be heard, genuinely heard, when expressing feelings. When you approach someone from the “I” standpoint instead of the “you” standpoint, it changes the dynamic completely. Take responsibility for your own actions and feelings and this will lessen the likelihood of defenses going up. Start today by creating relationships built on respect for one another.  It is ok and completely valid to be upset with someone, however the way you approach the situation can make a huge difference on the outcome. Here are some tips to follow this week:

1. Make a list

Make a list of all the people you would like to improve your relationships with. Take ownership and responsibility for what you bring to the relationship. Instead of the “blame game”, try approaching the situation with an open mind resulting in a solution as the end result.

2.Stop and listen

Next time you get upset with someone, be prepared to stop and really listen to what they have to say. Before jumping the gun and overreacting, take a deep breath and prepare how you want to approach the situation. Envision the end result in a positive manner with both parties being able to express everything without blame. This week practice the art of really listening. Take time to stop and really hear what the other person has to say.

3. Remember how it feels

Can you remember how it feels when you’ve been genuinely heard and understood? It is difficult to get upset when you feel understood, when there is less blame and more understanding of each others point of view. Keep this in focus this week!!  

Have a great day!



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